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The 2030 Spike and the CIA-NOW THE END BEGINS-SEPT 18 2023
Published 8 months ago

The clock is relentlessly ticking! Our world teeters on a knife-edge between a peaceful and prosperous future for all, and a dark winter of death and destruction that threatens to smother the light of civilization. Within 30 years, in the 2030 decade, six powerful 'drivers' will converge with unprecedented force in a statistical spike that could tear humanity apart and plunge the world into a new Dark Age. Depleted fuel supplies, massive population growth, poverty, global climate change, famine, growing water shortages and international lawlessness are on a crash course with potentially catastrophic consequences. This is the description of a book, written in 2003, and sitting in the CIA library called 'The 2030 Spike'. Why is it there? On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the people behind the New World Order have declared for decades now that the year 2030 will be the most pivotal year in our modern human history. The World Economic Forum, the United Nations, just about every country on Earth are right now in some form of a 2030 countdown. The 2030 Agenda with its terrifying dystopian agenda is coming at us on a collision course, and we are being groomed and prepared for it right now with things like the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In other news, a US pilot has 'safely ejected' from his F-35, and now the Pentagon is asking the public for help in 'locating it'. Yes, this is how utterly crazy our everyday life is, so crazy we have stopped noticing it. On this episode we once again pull back the covers to show you the raw, unfiltered end times we find ourselves in here on Day 1,281 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

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