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YouTube confirms it will immediately ban all videos that question the “official” vaccine narrative: 10.21.2020
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YouTube confirms it will immediately ban all videos that question the “official” vaccine narrative promoted by the corrupt WHO and vaccine companies
Submitted by Brent
Watch Terral’s Brighteon Video Report:
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) YouTube just confirmed they will work with the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove any videos that question the official vaccine narrative promoted by vaccine companies.

Terral’s reply (10.21.2020):

The article falls short in identifying the enemy that begins with the House of Rothschild and the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Gates-Global Bankster Cartel Eugenics Program WHO (pun intended) created the Covid-19/21 Binary Biological Weapon, as a command-control mechanism over the global population. These are the same Elite that own the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world responsible for the coming “genocide” described as part of “Project Black Star” in the Operations Section of the Dakota Report (link) that everyone can access at Let me demonstrate how Google-YouTube-WHO attempts to forward their “Everyone Take the Damned Vaccine” Agenda will not only succeed, but also with the support of the People chanting “Peace and Safety!” (1Thes. 5:1-5) at the time of their destruction:

While online researchers/investigators like me do everything to identify and share “the truth” on all these related topics to the best of our God-given abilities, the bottom line and governing truth is that our supporters, which in this case is YouTubers, drive the narratives. If up to me, then I would move my videos to a different venue and close the Terral BlackStar YouTube Channel in favor of sharing information where freedom of speech is respected. So, let us look at the evidence from the last week or so allowing the reader to decide the best course of action for moving forward…
Terral’s Brighteon Channel:
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None Dare Call It Conspiracy:
Johns Hopkins Covid-19 Info:
Dakota Report (read Operations Section):
What Is Nano Silver:

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Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida albicans biofilms: an ultrastructural study:

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