Support Your Freedom to Speak:
2024-01-28 Part 1 of the presentation given at the CounterAct Discussion with political parties and the public
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The HWP Report
139 Subscribers
Published 4 months ago


Thank you to those who attended our first conversation on the South African elections and the role of political parties. We know that there are some of you who could not attend.

We would like to invite you to a follow up conversation on Thursday 15th February from 7pm – 8pm. Please arrive 5 minutes before the start.

In this second conversation we plan to reconnect with the content of the first and talk through other questions that you would like to raise on the coming elections and on a way forward.

Should you be interested in attending the second conversation please let me know by no later than Wednesday 14th February.

Thank you

Feed back from attendees:

Riyad: 'In a nutshell, the meeting was very much informative and I learned such a lot. It is not a topic that is widely known by the masses. Please also provide a possible website where I can read more about the subject matter πŸ™'

Dr. Convy: 'The meeting was informative for us. Is there anything specific that we are expected to do?'

Super, 'Hi Faiez, Thank you for the invite and a fantastic presentation and discussion. Please if possible send me the recording of the session. I am in loadshedding mode and missed a lot during the presentation. I would also like to join the telegram groupπŸ™πŸ™'

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