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France Declared a 'State of Emergency' in its Colony of New Caledonia after an Anti-Colonial Uprising broke out there, Killing and Wounding - part 2
Published 17 days ago

France declared a state of emergency in its colony of New Caledonia after an anti-colonial uprising broke out there, killing and wounding.

New Caledonia has long sought independence, hoping to support itself through mining.

France does not want to lose control over them, so it is increasing colonial oppression in New Caledonia, fearing that the ripples from the collapsing colonial empire in Africa will also affect French colonies in other regions of the world.

1. New Caledonia must be free and completely independent of France.

2. The troops of the French colonialists must be expelled from the country. France's military bases must also be closed.

3. The collaborators of the colonialists must be punished as traitors to the people of New Caledonia.

4. The mineral wealth of New Caledonia must belong to the people.


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