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The Bond Issue - Bonds For the Win over School Boards and Officials
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America at War
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Published 2 years ago
Defeat School Boards and Mayors and Governors and other Elected / Appointed Officials!

These people are required to have a pretty big surety bond... 4 MILLION in this case.

We must file claims against their surety bond for mask mandates and vaccine discrimination etc.... GET DAMAGES UP TO 4 MILLION!

Check this out... It's the secret weapon!

It's the one thing these Klause Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros controlled, evil bureaucrat drones can understand!

They are apparently without heart or soul.... But they know if they get their bonds yanked it's over! And could get expensive too!

There are three parties included in a Bond Agreement:

Bondholder – All elected public officials are required to be bonded and they must sign an oath to uphold the Constitution of their State as well as the Constitution of the United States for America. Companies, contractors, and even unions are also required to have a surety bond.

We the People – The community for whom the bondholder is OBLIGATED to serve.

Surety Bond Company – This is the company that guarantees that the bondholder will serve the people.

If a claim is filed against a bondholder, the Surety Bond Company is responsible for accepting the claim(s), notifying the bondholder, demanding that the bondholder address the claim and starting an investigation if the bondholder does not resolve or rectify the situation.

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