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Shungite and It's Amazing Health Benefits
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HopeGirl Blog
225 Subscribers
Published 5 years ago
In this video, Tivon and Hopegirl discuss the mineral shungite and it unique health benefits. Shungite is a very rare stone that comes from a meteor that can only be found in Karelia Russia. This mineral has some incredible scientific properties that can be used to improve your health and environment. It is the only known natural material that contains fullerenes which are powerful antioxidants. Shungite provides emf protection from electromagnetic radiation. Shungite is also used to make shungite water, for shungite healing rooms, and to combat the effects of chemtrails.

We use shungite powder in all of our orgonite products for a combined effect. Orgonite is a useful subtle health technology that many people are using to combat the dangers of 5G, for smart meter protection, whole house EMF protection, to help clear up chemtrails, help for targeted individuals of electronic targeting and as an overall EMF blocker. You can learn more about our shungite organite products by watching other videos on our channel. Where we have videos that show orgone energy uses, orgone energy demonstration, and orgone energy explained.

To view all our shungite products and special offers click here

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