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World War 3 is being fought be injecting humans with remote controllable technology.
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Gretta Fahey
113 Subscribers
Published 4 months ago

I am connected by a two way energy link to a computerized network which is controlled by  unknown criminals who have been told that they will receive a big pay off whenever they finish gaining total control of my body and brain from a distance.  For this reason they transmit what are possibly digital signals into implants inside both my brain and body.  This allows them to speak to me whenever they wish and also to hear what I hear among numerous other capabilities.    The implants are connected to a selection of my neurons and to other parts of my brain and body.   The aforementioned unknown criminals now have temporary remote control of the movement of some of my muscles but they have been informed that permanent control of my muscles means ownership of me.  Naturally I am frightened and I cope by making detailed posts and videos of what I am experiencing and by wearing shungite which has been scientifically proven to disrupt both 5G and microwave radiation.   I wear shungite bracelets on both my wrists and ankles and I wear a shungite necklace and I am currently making a shungite headband out of several shungite bracelets.   I sometimes wear an emf blocking cap but that is not practical in warm weather.  

microwave weaponsworld war threeinjectable technologyremote controllable technologyradio frequency weaponsvoice 2 skull

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