Who is Transmitting Voices Inside My Head and what are the policies of the police in dealing with voice hearers.
83 views • 8 months ago

Who is transmitting voices inside my head. It is not my subconscious mind doing so. That is simply a cover story which was created by others in order to cover up the technological capability of transmitting voices into the heads of unwilling victims. It is the responsibility of the police to find out who is perpetrating this crime against me. Instead, they use the scare tactics of psychiatric incarceration to make me afraid to report this crime. Why are they doing this. Why are they miscategorising voice hearing as a mental illness when it is in fact a crime being perpetrated against members of the public and there are many scientific patent numbers to prove that it is a scientific capability and not a mental illness. Who is training the police to falsely miscategorise voice hearing as a mental illness and not as a crime which should be investigated and when will the police begin to investigate all such crimes being perpetrated against me and against many other victims of similar crimes which are being perpetrated by means of directed energy signals which are in turn being transmitted into implants inside our bodies and brains. These types of crimes are widespread throughout the world and yet the police have failed to warn the public about them. Are the police traitors to their own country men and women. I don't believe so myself because I believe that their brains have been interfered with by means of neuro weapons so that they are now less capable of thinking independently than they once were and instead they are under remote influencing capabilities. I want the police to upgrade their policies on dealing with voice hearers and victims of directed energy attacks by officially registering for further investigation our claims of being tortured from a distance by unknown enemies who transmit digital signals into nano implants which are already inside us. The presence of nano implants in our blood is easily proven by testing a drop of almost anyone's blood under a powerful microscope and it has been already found to contain nano technology in the shape of squares and rectangles and many other shapes that should not be in the blood of men and women. The police should then officially investigate who is transmitting those voices inside the heads of those victims by means of first of all investigating the private security act of the Republic of Ireland and also investigating what crimes are being committed by the private security police under the protection of that private security act of the Republic of Ireland and what crimes are then being officially hidden from the public under that same aforementioned private security act of the Republic of Ireland. Psychiatry is a pseudo science and many psychiatrists themselves are publicly willing to admit to this truth.

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