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Doctors say: Covid-19 was a poisoning NOT a "virus" and the so-called "vaccine" is a bio-weapon
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252 Subscribers
Published 3 years ago
I don't care what you think you know; This video is a MUST SEE TILL THE END!!!!
This panel of red-pilled Doctors expose's the fake-demic as medical/government fraud and talk about:
- "Covid-19 was a poisoning NOT a 'virus'..."
- The So-called "vaccine" is NOT a vaccine, it's a BIO-WEAPON that is killing those that it doesn't make sick and infertile, and it's possibly contagious
- 5G Technology likely triggers the nanites that are in the "vaccine" bio-weapon
- The so-called "government" is not really in control of anything, others outside the government are...
- and much much more
vaccinesgerm theory5gnano technologycovid

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