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Published 2 years ago
The Germ Theory And Virology FRAUD is falling apart before their very eyes and the so-called mainstream "medical" establishment, or should I say New World Order government "doctors", are DESPERATELY trying to put the Humpty Dumpty cartoon characters called Germ Theory and Virology back together again. In this video and others, Dr Kaufman very professionally exposes a many of these Controlled Opposition "doctors" for what they really are by using real logic, real science and good sense.

Since we now know who they consider "dangerous" to the established DOGMA, we really need to pray for Dr Kaufman, Dr Cowan, Dr Lanka, Dr Vollmer and all the many others others who are standing on principle and truth, making huge sacrifices and taking major risks to expose these truths to us.

What we've been doing on this channel and other excellent Truth channels in the alternate media is now starting to noticeably take it's toll on these fraudsters and quacks and we need to now pick up the pace.
Dr Kaufman is actually being really quite kind by giving them an OUT and saying that he doesn't think they are doing bad science intentionally... Maybe for a few of the younger ones who haven't been in the mainstream loop for more ten or 15 years; but come on, many of these so-called scientists and doctors have been active in their careers for 3 to 5 DECADES!! I'm not buying that all these quacks, ESPECIALLY the ones at the top can't figure out in 3 decades or more what anyone with a modicum of intellect, and not even in the field, has figured out in less than two years in their spare time. Dr Kaufman is wise to do this, but they won't be so lucky with me.

I must say, Dr. Kaufman has approached this brilliantly - no logical fallacy's and no fancy word tap-dancing like the fraudster side does, just strait-up fact and undeniable LOGIC.

IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, then you need to share this video and all the videos on this channel which are coded 72777 in the title with as many people as possible. If you have a channel on this platform or another, then you need to upload these videos to your channels, and if you know how, then you need to download these videos put them on a USB stick and give them to friends, or better yet put on a stick, go to their house, ask as a friend(or family) to give you an hour or so of their time, plug it into their TV, Computer or device and watch it with them and answer questions afterward. And if you don't feel you can answer well enough, no problem, this is our email: [email protected] - send the question to us or tell them to email us and we'll gladly answer the questions.

And if some people don't get it, so what, no problem, dust off your sandals and move on to show someone else, because SOME WILL actually GET IT... we're not into beating the horse into taking a drink to save it's life, let'em stand there in front of the LAKE of information and DIE from their own stupidity - JUST DO YOUR PART!

So let's get serious and pick up the pace, NOW IS THE TIME LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

And one last thing, looking at this Jeremy Hammond character; why does it seem that all the hoaxsters like this Hammond dude, and Gates, Fauci...etc., why does it seem like they all kind of look a little like and definitely have the speech pattern and hand mannerisms of WOODY ALLEN? What, do they all like hangout together in some secret, private, underground Pedo Bars together...? Just an observation.

jeremy hammondkaufmanvirus fraudcovid fraudjoseph mercola72777germ theory fraudsars fraud

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