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🍭✨ Sugar Detox: Changing Tastes And Rediscovering Flavor 🌼
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Finding Genius Podcast
186 Subscribers
Published 2 months ago

✨ 🤝 Embarking on a sugar detox journey can lead to a fascinating discovery with Dr. Nicole Avena the Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai Health System and a Visiting Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton University. 📚


🕵️ As She explains foods once adored may lose their allure. Taste buds adjust to less sweetness; even beloved treats might seem overly sugary. 🍯

🍰 This shift can help individuals stick to their sugar detox goals as they rediscover the true flavors of their favorite treats.

🚀 Discover a new palate and embrace healthier choices 🎨

🔊 learn more by clicking the link in our bio or description above. 📚

wellness journeysugar and healthsugar detox

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