Bidens Trudeau & Lock Downs Now Toast. Take your Masks Vaxx & QR Code and Shove It!
170 views • 02/06/2022
Jeanine Pirro breaks the Joe and Hunter Biden conspiracy, "Who is Hunter Biden", with China to cause the Free World the problems we all faced last 2 years. Links below.

The extended lock down of world beyond 2 weeks was to prevent Trump from winning in landslide. There is enough evidence to take out Joe Biden as being completely demented and ineligible to have run in 2020 with Hunter Biden's laptop transcripts of texts and emails being released.

Why did the FBI suppress all this in 2019. Are they taking Chinese and World Bank Bribe Money thru the B.A.R. Association and United Nations?

Who is Hunter Biden. Bombshell Video by Jeanine Pirro:

US Constitution Party:

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty #BlockadeChina #FreeVietnam #StopTheBS #SecularHumanism #GreatReset #GreenNewDeal #CriticalRaceTheory #StopCRT #DeplatformBiden #WakeUp
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