Not meaning to scare the Beejezes out of you - but I could see the Terrorists coming across our Southern Border to do this to our cities when they get the Go order.
127 views • 10/11/2023

So when is Millie going to put on his red shoes and put a stop to this ?  Oh I forgot - he is at a Rainbow Party getting awards for being the most Woke General ever. Do you remember when this Traitor called his counter Part in China and told him to not worry about Trump as Bushy Browed Millie would let him know in advance if Trump were to make a move on China .  He is on his way out and did immense damage to our Military when he was in charge.  Look at our Southern Border - I am not sure who is worse - Millie or Myorkis ?  And we have a Sniffer as our Fake President.

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