Proof that Donald Trump and his boss George Soros and Rothschilds are all same Deep State NWO elites
1137 views • 06/07/2021
*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2021).

Both the Clintons and Trump work for Rothschilds. The Rothschild communist DNC and Trump Nazi GOP do not matter because they belong to the same “gay mafia elite” gang. All royal bloodline elites are on the same team playing the “good saviors and bad scapegoats” mind game of Satanism’s “dualism” doctrine on the dumb human populace. Donald Trump’s commerce secretary Wilbur Ross worked for the Rothschilds for 25 years. He was the former head of the Rothschild Inc.’s bankruptcy advising team, and had business ties to Trump spanning 25 years. Wilbur Ross saved Trump from the Atlantic casino bankruptcy 1990. Donald Trump does not arrest Hillary Clinton, and he instead arrests the human who exposed her 2 pedophile cannibal snuff films on the darknet, and tries to start his Illuminati NWO nuclear war. George Soros gave Donald Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Donald Trump told the right wing religious Christian patriots to stop criticizing his rival communist Satanist Zionist ruler of America George Soros (former “Phoenix” or leader of the Satanists). Donald Trump tried to marry his family into the Rothschild family. Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu are boyfriend sex couples. They are tied to the Jesuits. The Satanist LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) “Bohemian Grove” drag queen elites like President Donald Trump and Wilbur Ross and Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rockefeller family have many secret societies like “Kapa Beta Phi” where they entertain themselves by ridiculing the non-elite slave populace, and they have “gay mafia elite” orgy child sex slave pedophile cannibal Satanist spirit cooking ritual cross-dressing parties. These Satanists and their CIA Mossad Al-Qaeda DHS ISIS servants caused the Syrian war to take over the oil industry. The Satanist black nobility families factions’ Donald Trump and their rival communist Satanist Rothschilds will be getting rid of their U.S. corporation, and replacing it with the Illuminati NWO one-world government, after they destroy the United States of America off the face of this planet. Wilbur Ross bought a condo in the same building as Evelyn De Rothschild. These pedophile cannibal Satanist Zionist “fake Jews” are what the Bible calls in Revelation 3:9 and 2:9 as liars of the Church of Satan, who falsely claim to be Jews but are Edomite Amalekite Dan tribe. They hate the Israelites and Hebrews, and they killed 6 million Jews during the Nazi holocaust. Donald Trump is part of that Saturn Saturnalian black nobility families bosses of the global Nazi faction. The Rothschilds financed the Nazis. They used the American Revolution to replace the free currency and put it under the Rothschild control. They financed the communist Satanists to steal Russia and slaughter the Romanov family allies. They created all the nations in the Middle East and make them fight each other to make money and steal oil and test weapons and depopulate. They caused the 9.11 global terrorism using their Nazi partners to start their NWO police state and removal of all the humans’ privacy and human rights, and retrieve the Afghan opium heroine industry and pillage Babylon’s Iraqi advanced ancient technology that was found. The Rothshilds and the various black nobility families control the central banks and media. They invaded Syria, and they will take over Iran, in order to tie the noose around Russia’s neck, just as they have already taken over Ukraine and Georgia and other surrounding nations one by one. They have factions inside Russia. They already got rid of all the independent nations like Libya and Yemen and Egypt. End of transmission…

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