Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Intl. Vision of COVID Oppression
16376 views • 12/04/2021
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a powerful German attorney with an international vision of the oppression taking place under the COVID-19 “plandemic,” which he describes as against international law and the Nuremberg Code. He and his firm are collecting worldwide information and originating legal cases in several countries. He describes the conflicts of interest between the court system and German industry. I share my own latest discoveries concerning the long-term planning that has gone into the making of the pandemic and the role of global predators from Bill Gates to Communist China, and the latest evidence on the history of "gain-of-function" research going back to the 1990s and the how and why the Chinese Communists released and spread SARS-CoV-2.

Our new book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, is available everywhere! Get yours now from Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or other online bookstores.
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