Congressman Questions Zuckerberg about Censoring Access to Vaccine Information
1118 views ā€¢ 03/14/2021
As mentioned by Congressman Bill Posey with over $4000000000 (at the time of this hearing and rising higher since then) paid out by the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) to thousands of victims of vaccine injury and death, there is very serious cause for concern regarding the safety of these products.

However, due to legal immunity granted by the NCVIA of 1986 to vaccine manufactures, there is no liability incentive from manufactures to improve the safety of these products. Thus, vaccine adverse event victims (a Harvard investigation found that only approximately 1% of such victims are even reported to VAERs and a fraction of those are granted a settlement) are paid settlements by the US government fund (VICP) NOT the product manufacturer.
Why would investigating the safety of products, and as a result potentially improving said products, be discouraged?
How is gaining more information a "bad thing?"

Censorship, propaganda, coercion, exploitation, and control/hiding information are NOT how the values upon which America is founded, or Freedom, works; platforms such as Facebook, Google etc., the Media, and Big-Pharma function as a cartel that has too much control over people's perception and lives.

Thank you for standing up to Mark Zuckerberg and standing up for Free Speech. Thank you for speaking the truth that over $4 BILLION has been paid out to Vaccine Injured Victims (proof these products do indeed do harm or settlements would not be paid out).

We deserve to hear the real stories and learn how to assess the real risks through the experiences of others and the research that is shared. Vaccine Injury is real; it happens more often than the CDC and big pharma corporations would have you believe, and those affected by it deserve the same rights to free speech as everyone else on a public platform.'

Thank you Congressman Bill Posey for supporting Truth, Health, and Freedom! and defending the values upon which America is founded.

(video credit: Breitbart)
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