AG Merrick Garland did a DOJ press conference & was asked about the “peaceful transfer of power” after the 2024 election. 🚨🚨🚨
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AG Merrick Garland did a DOJ press conference & was asked about the “peaceful transfer of power” after the 2024 election. 🚨🚨🚨

He issues a WARNING to Americans who try to “interfere” with the certification of the election on January 6th, 2025 & for EVERY January 6th certification moving forward.

Allow me to interpret this…

As an American citizen, IF YOU DARE PEACEFULLY PROTEST the results of the election in Washington D.C. you WILL be thrown in a D.C. GULAG like the almost 1500 other J6ers have been WITHOUT DUE PROCESS.

They will likely employ advanced AI facial recognition technology to go after FAR MORE people this time.

You are NO LONGER ALLOWED to exercise your 1st Amendment RIGHT to assemble peacefully, or to petition YOUR Government (We The People) as stated in our Constitution.

This is NOT directed at Democrats, this is solely directed at MAGA.

They PLAN TO STEAL the election & they are telling you directly what is coming, should you protest.


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