AstraZeneca Lists Aborted Fetal Tissue As Ingredient in New COVID-19 Vaccine
128 views • 11/24/2020
This video is being re-uploaded and shared after being removed by social media and YouTube. I am not sure who created the original video.

AstraZeneca is one of three drug companies leading the way with COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines are loaded with chemicals and other products that are harmful to human health. One "product" they use in vaccines is aborted fetal tissue. This is a known fact and not disputed by drug companies.

It is important to educate yourself and those you love on these ingredients and what they plan to do to the unsuspecting public. We are not meant to have human DNA injected into our bodies. This is a form of satanism and must be stopped. We must fight back and stand up for our rights to remain human and in God's image.

If you would like a crash course in vaccines, I suggest you check out the book "Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science"by by Judy Mikovits (Author), Kent Heckenlively. (If you are not a big reader this book is available on Audible.

Purchase you book on Amazon here:

You can also watch interviews and much more in this video titled "Plague of Corruption" on Brighteon:
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