Professor Francis Boyle Has Written an Affidavit to Court Which Says That He Would Classify the mRNA ‘Vaccines’ So Called as Bioweapons
564 views • 4 months ago

“Professor Francis Boyle Has Written an Affidavit to Court Which Says That He Would Classify the mRNA ‘Vaccines’ So Called as Bioweapons, Because It’s Clear That the Intention of Creating Them Was to Cause Death and Harm”

Independent Member of UK Parliament Andrew Bridgen highlights that the professor of international law Francis Boyle, who drafted the US domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989), "has written an affidavit to court...saying that under the drafting of that [1989] Act...he would classify the mRNA 'vaccines' so called as bioweapons, because it's clear that...the intention of creating them was to cause death and harm."

Source @RealWorldNewsChannel

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