Bounty offered for Ukrainian soldiers who ‘cosplayed’ as Nazis and harassed elderly man
149 views • 4 weeks ago

Two Ukrainian soldiers who were seen dressed up as Nazis are wanted for harassing, and possibly killing, an elderly Russian man. 74-year-old Alexandr Gusarov has reportedly gone missing after being featured in a video, reportedly filmed on August 11 in the village of Zaoleshenka. The video, shared online, showed Gusarov being taunted by two Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers dressed in Nazi uniforms. The soldier off-camera, identified as 38-year-old Vasyl Danylyuk from Ivano-Frankivsk, was heard mocking Gusarov, who was searching for Russian soldiers but got lost.

Since the video was filmed, Gusarov has not been seen, and his family has been searching for him without success. Reports suggest that he might have been shot after the video was recorded, although his granddaughter refuses to believe it. A reward of 5 million rubles (around $56,000) has been offered by one of Russia’s Duma deputies for the capture of the soldiers involved.

Further Info: Mirrored - RT

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