Make America Great Again!
140 views • 01/21/2021
Through GOD, TRUMP AND YOU, WE CAN MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! With OUR VOICE, PATRIOTS will soon ROAR BACK and take back our great country. For lyric transcripts look below:

Verse 1
I might not be a millionaire well I got all I need,
I guess you could say I’m a blue collar man,
I got a family to feed.
And I will stand for stars and stripes,
Red white and blue,
I’m Proud to live in the land of the free,
God we trust in you!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of America,
One Nation Under God,
If you believe in Him you put your trust in Him,
Through God we can make America Great Again!

Verse 2
The American dream, a piece of the pie
That’s what we work hard for,
When our country’s in a struggle, down for the count,
The eagle still soars!
If we come together and unify,
We can save our Nation,
By keeping our focus on the Creator,
Of all creation!



We're gonna Make America Great,
Keep America Great,
Thru God we can Make America Great Again!
Come on let’s Make America Great,
We gotta Keep America Great,
Thru God we can Make America Great Again!
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