Man encounters "ghost".
83 views • 3 months ago

A section from Roger J Morneau ex illuminati, describing in an interview, a demonic encounter, or as he thought then in 1970s a ghost of a friend's sister, when invited to one of the Canadian branch of illuminati gathering. Firmly command the 'ghost' jinn or poltergeist or orb to leave in Jesus name. A ghost is not what you think it is, they are demonic spirits masquerading as human's, dead relatives or people from different times or ancient guides. Its demonic deception. The Bible tells us -And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. There are no earth bound spirits of man but something else. Nothing else but the name of Jesus, who is God, will rid you of these entities. Rebuke in Jesus name. They are not friendly ghosts. There presence is bad news for you. Rebuke them in Jesus name. Repent, brothers and sisters, ask God to reveal his son Jesus, believe he is Lord and God and was crucified and shed his blood for our sins and is risen.

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