Stay Out Of Hospitals Patients Are Being Murdered
474 views • 09/25/2021
Stay out of hospitals. Our family has had 5 deaths in the last 6 weeks. I'm in the process of planning another funeral. You can think what you want but I think 5 deaths in 6 weeks is not right at all. People have reached out to me with the same stories. I have read about the same stories as well. THIS IS GETTING REAL and THEY AREN'T PLAYING GAMES! They want you to believe after 1.5 years that the Black Plague is claiming lives but it isn't so. Believe what you want and wear your masks if you think they will protect you. It's all brainwashing. There is a bad flu going around which they were responsible for creating. Hospitals are part of the puzzle. You'll find out sooner or later that I'm right. I made this video to share what is happening from first hand experience. If you must go to the hospital, REFUSE ventilators for loved ones and friends. Ventilators should ONLY be used as a last resort, and even then, there is only a 14% chance of survival with a ventilator if they calibrate it properly.

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