Revelation | 19 Biblical Facts | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity." - Elon Musk
50 views • 05/23/2023

Revelation | 19 Biblical Facts | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity." - Elon Musk CERN, AI, Google’s Deep Mind, Harari, Elon Musk, Killer Robots, Self-Replicating Robots, Mark of the Beast, LOCUST Swarm Drones

Knowledge Bomb #1 - Revelation 9:7 - Why does the Bible refer to locusts?

Why is the U.S. Navy’s swarm drone technology called LOCUST (The Low-Cost Unmanned aerial vehicle Swarming Technology (LOCUST)?

Knowledge Bomb #2 - Revelation 9:11 - Why is CERN located on top of the former Temple of Appolyon where Antipus was martyred? (See Revelation 2:13)

Knowledge Bomb #3 - Revelation 2:13 - Why is CERN located on top of the former Temple of Appolyon where Antipus was martyred?

Knowledge Bomb #4 - Revelation 9:16-18 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to a 200 million soldier army?

Knowledge Bomb #5 - Revelation 16:12 - Why does the Bible refer to the Euphrates River drying up?

Knowledge Bomb #6 - Revelation 13: 16-18 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to technology that makes it mechanically impossible to buy or sell without taking the Mark of the Beast?

Knowledge Bomb #7 - Revelation 17: 13 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to a time where the people will all be of one mind?

Knowledge Bomb #8 - Revelation 17:12 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to 10 kings?

Knowledge Bomb #9 - Revelation 6:6 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to hyper inflation?

Knowledge Bomb #10 - Revelation 6:2 - Why does the Book of Revelation refer to a crown (The word CORONA means crown in latin) that was given unto him and he went forth conquering?

Knowledge Bomb #11 - 1st Timothy Chapter 4:1-4 - Why does the Bible refer to a time where people will depart from the faith and abstain from eating meat?

Knowledge Bomb #12 - 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-4 - Why does 2nd Thessalonians discuss the man of sin being revealed, a great falling away

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