1122 views • 8 months ago

Brandon cory Nagley

Jan 8, 2024

(LARGE 7.1 QUAKE/LINDOL HITS SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES AS I WARNED YESTERDAY AFTER MILLIONS OF FISH CAME TO SOUTH PHILIPPINES SHORES/MASS FACEBOOK+TWITTER OUTAGES/READ BELOW.. Update the words below farther down I tried posting almost two or more hours ago on and Facebook was blacked out for many like me as now I can finally post pictures and videos. Twitter and Facebook was down for many including me and what I wrote below the lines just now posted after an hour due to outages so read below what I wrote an hour ago. You'll see on down detector Twitter and Facebook outages in the past 2 hours now probably worse in some places though luckily fixed for me when cleaned facebooks cache and storage on my phone settings. You'll see words also on screenshots from the fish video I posted yesterday posting about watch for a quake in South Philippines. ) My words on Facebook posted few hours back here - Im trying to post about a massive quake that just hit the Philippines if you saw the video I posted yesterday on my Facebook page showing millions of dead and living fish washing up to a resort in South Philippines and I have given warning yesterday to friends I know and other Filipinos/Filipinas to watch out for a possible imminent earthquake well a 7.1 quake a bit ago slammed south philippines. As biblical wormwood/planet x comes closer to earth and the sun it'll worsen and to not helping spikes are hitting hard today on the Schumann resonance chart I'll post below to...... the Schumann resonance is earths heart beat or pulse so to say, massive spikes are hitting today not just from solar radiation but from the 2 gamma ray bursts ( 2 stars that exploded) sending massive waves and thousands coming from behind the sun and the second gamma ray burst first started sending waves to backside of earth. The second gamma ray burst as said started sending waves of galactic and cosmic red band radiation waves as their called red band waves in the space and scientific word and names for these rays. We also know from what planet x/biblical wormwood system insider mike from around the world just said also get ready for "ejections" to hit and effect earth not from the sun or the 2 gamma ray bursts but I believe he said from planet x earths twin sun the brown dwarf star coming closer to earth and the sun. Pulses are coming off of biblical wormwood/planet x and soon we're going to be in extreme trouble I mean extreme as things are amplifying so badly I can't keep up and it wears and tears me down making me more tired and stressed and broken down more than I am so if don't always reply or come on here much as used to my soul and spirit mind and body needs away time from the clown show called social media. If others are having Facebook issues like me right now just a heads up I looked at Facebook on the down detector and tons of people in the USA are having issues with the app like me or login And other issues like example for me I can't post any pictures or videos as they won't even show up due to Facebook messing up probably from the high radiation and energy coming in messing satellites up. So heads up and if anyone can read this heads up especially to friends and all In the Philippines again a 7.1 quake struck in the south philippines just as I warned yesterday could occur as the millions of fish on the shores there were your warning and aftershocks will come and surely big and bigger ones will come not just in the Philippines but globally as biblical wormwood/planet x gets closer. Sorry Facebook is messed up so I'm waiting to post pictures and video.... Is yeshua ( Jesus Christ) your personal lord and Savior? Are you walking in love and forgiving daily as God commanded. Men are you treating your women daily as queens seeing their soul and spirit that's beautiful inside and out connecting by mind spirit soul as one not just in body and flesh but connecting as one in all ways actually being romantic on a daily basis or trying? Women are you treating your men as kings and connecting as one listening to another instead of just hearing ( there is a difference).... Love is life and life is love and God is love and life And love is God. You love someone then show it by actions with your loving words because words with no action is meaningless. Words and actions must be together to be true......neither shall be separate of another. Love and forgive as God commanded. Come to Christ as lord before late. That's my daily advice.....Newcomers, Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven ( John 14;6) and the only way to escape the judgement coming( REVELATION 3:10/ REVELATION 12:5/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4/ 1 CORINTHIANS 15/ john 14:3- bible references.) I hope and Pray if you have not accepted Jesus (yeshua) as Lord read BELOW my video in my comments section where my main notes are always above all other comments. Thanks for coming by...

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