The True Adventures of Zidkenu Episode 26: "Taking Down The Giants"
40 views • 06/14/2021
Epic Show! Military Tribunals! Deep State Arrests!... Real talk about the end of evil on Earth in our lifetime. Major military operations including The Alliance: USA South Korea Australia Canada New Zealand United Kingdom and Russia Bringing Down the CCP... large operations in Germany Hungary Norway gearing up for Australia and Canada... Wuhan dams are gone. Weather Warfare tornadoes earthquakes deep underground military bases uncovered. Gold under the Vatican, tunnels through Greece Albania and Jerusalem amounting to 1 septillion. Gold raided from Singapore Thailand and the Philippines being repatriated... Action in Ethiopia Rwanda Namibia Mozambique South Africa was the heart of evil with the most children in captivity. The Hague in the Netherlands had children in a massive underwater dumb "off the charts" in number of children quote unquote. The cabal being taken out who have been in control for centuries. Tunnels underneath hospitals museums military bases abandoned relics castles World War bunkers... a thousand points of light powered by Satanic rituals around Amsterdam. Sources George Ho on Cirsten W. so this is all allegedly and yet compelling with a huge drop box of evidence. Good wins in the end God is in charge. " they're clearing out thousands of years of evil n our life time..." the Giants of our day Google Facebook Twitter Amazon. Fauci and Gates are Jesuits. Vaers reporting system indicates huge spike in deaths. We offer hope of a future antidote to the terrible increase in vaccine injuries and side effects. Stand on the more sure word of prophecy as Jesus the ultimate Prophet explains what is happening with the Giants in our day... He said unless those days are shortened there would be no flesh saved alive and that there would be Giants in our day just like in the days of Noah. Tech Tyrants who rule the Earth talk to DMT aliens which are fallen angels. Is the little flock complete? 144,000... *Covered by Zidkenu for years: Conservative vs Radicals Good vs Evil truth vs lie the chasm is growing... Will it be a worse catastrophe to ensue? Will there be a new president soon? This is the reporting we are not making it up. Appearances by Maria Bartiromo Austin Steinbart Alex Jones Mike Lindell and the Great Pyramid of Giza... It is a chain of light of truth and information that binds the adversary in the book of revelation... this is the Great Antitypical French Revolution... beheadings are cancel culture but some literal. Anarchy will end in the incoming Kingdom of Christ... Worse may come first with further biological attacks nuclear EMP but we have great hope and perfect love casts out fear. Jesus is the savior of humans. Soon we will receive the message after the election audits and after some period of blackouts... when will Biden be arrested? It's Big Tech and Big Pharma against the little guy and little farming natural living and organic food... build your immunities with Vitamins: a c k e d and zinc... Alex covers the Awakening and the imminent return of President Donald John Trump.... #theGreat Awakening #nothingcanstopwhatiscoming Special thanks to Clip Hound. Playing a clip does not equal full endorsement. Honorable mention to MonkeyWerks covering Guantanamo Bay... Dr. Peter Daszak and the Wuhan Institute of virology behind the Plandemic, British spies, revenge for the revolution from the British crown?... Facebook Zuckerberg censorship companies to be held in to account for corporate dominance and misleading information fake news on covid hydroxychloroquine and more. #Genocide #NeverAgain.....#AustinSteinbartisQ

*Psalm 24 "The Earth Is The Lord's!" to declare the policy, plan and object of the new dispensation...and Babylon the Great is utterly overthrown!"
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