In feminist nations, as nephilim & chimera avatars increase (20.8%), pedophile cannibalism increases
153 views • 07/03/2022

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (July 2022). The Illuminati NWO pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” earth’s matriarchal rulers’ infiltrator at BitChute sabotaged all my videos that they do not want exposed, so God always makes them even better and reposts them over and over again so that more people will see it. The Satanists are dumber than you believe. Why else would they fight against God and his people? This is one of the videos they prevent from playing, which is the video on Hillary Clinton’s cannibal kuru disease from eating human children in her Satanist spirit cooking rituals. Our allies keep killing her, but the Illuminati NWO keeps putting her demon spirit inside new cloned hybrid human avatar bodies so that she keeps coming back. She is now the actual U.S. president managing the Joe Biden clone. She has been promoted to high priestess of her witch coven. The more children they torture & lesbian rape & sacrifice & eat, the more higher positions and wealth and power and knowledge these witches and Satanist reptilian hybrid matriarchal rulers of planet earth receive from Satan Lucifer (Sanat Kumara) and the Shambhala ascended master fallen angel devils. The feminist matriarchal rulers pedophile cannibal reptilian hybrid globalist elites take away all wealth and jobs and prestige and families from the real Christian Japanese men samurai who defend the human specie women and girls. The witches own all the HR management positions, and they run the companies and the male CEOs. Satan Lucifer’s earth is a pedophile cannibal “Hansel & Gretel witch” feminist matriarchal system since Noah’s days Atlantis nephilim civilization priestesses. When Satan Lucifer attacks us, it backfires on them. We make the video much better, and every time they remove it, we repost it a billion times so it gets more coverage. The devil can never outdo God. Things get much worse for them every time. They also help us know which videos and information hurt them the most and expose them the most and are the greatest detriment to them by trying to hinder the information from getting out to the 6 billion human specie and allies. You will know who the fake Christians are, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, because they will immediately cease speaking the truth, and go into hiding in silence and fear, when they get cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms and their internal organs start frying, and their families are slaughtered, and all their incomes are cut off, and they are shot with FBI pinpoint heart attack EMF weapons, and they are poisoned by NSA sulfuric acid & polonium radiation & mercury & flesh-eating bacteria, and Freemason Jesuit Wicca Black Ops assassins start trying to shoot them in the head in their apartment lobbies, and tens of thousands of perpetrators start gang-stalking them with mobile phone EMF shock weapons in every room & store & restaurant & workplace & toilet & shower & bath & forest & beach & park 24 hours a day every few minutes to shoot their genitals & brains & eyes & hearts & livers & kidneys. They are fake Christians, just like the Israelites in the wilderness, and they are not Jesus’ samurai warriors real Christians.

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