God Is Dependable.
33 views • 03/19/2021
This chapter introduces the spiritual level that the life under scrutiny attained due to a hunger to find the truth. It provides a general discussion of how we relate to God and how God relates to us. What is God's goal was my question. In my case, I needed to know if I could trust the Bible. By applying the principles taught in it we find out that it is a Book we can rely on. I found it was the only book that works when applied to life. Time 24:18m

Chapter 2
The Rise Of An Adam God. This chapter deals with what it was like to live in the Hitler regime. My parents moved to Germany in 1933 and returned to the U.S. in 1954. It is a comprehensive view of what it was like. People often wonder why Germans didn't rise up against him. This reading will answer that question. I became an activist because I didn't want to see a rerun of what happened in Germany. Time 39:27m

Chapter 3
How Globalism is Achieved. One of my Internet friends stated that Satan (Antichrist) uses the Bible as a playbook. The story of the Tower of Babel provides the answer to how and why globalism will get the rich men who are running the world, what they want. WW2 was example of what happens when men get too powerful. Time 39:08m

Chapter 4
Ye Shall Have Tribulation. The fallen world was cursed from the beginning, due to Adam and Eve's disobedience. This chapter shows how God interacts with us in spite of our disobedience when we commit to Him, He never abandons us. God is looking for unconditional love toward each other and God. We have to realize that we have to overcome evil forces with the help of God's Holy Spirit. This chapter describes how we can discover God in our lives and get to know Him and depend on Him ultimately.
Time: 1:46 hr

Chapter 5
Don't Follow People's God. Hermetic teachings involving Astrology, Freemasonry and more became the next trap Satan laid to get me to give up my search for truth. In 1948 is was forbidden worldwide, even though leaders of countries including Hitler were following their supposed glimpses of the future. These and many other teachings cause one to live in an artificial reality. When receiving a reading the person believes it and makes it happen. The astrologer is basically playing god with individuals. This was the era of the birth of feminism in other words women's liberation movement many other pagan movements. Time: 1:30 hr

Chapter 6
In You I Trust, Oh My God. Chapter 6 describes what happened when the inevitable breakup of the marriage finally came. The Scripture that warns us that there is a price to pay when getting into Satan's teachings. How true that was. God uses tough love to shape us into what He is looking for in some of us. Believe me, it worked in my case.
Time: 43:15m
Chapter 7
You Refined Us Like Silver. Chapter 7 describes a bit about the new marriage, but revolves mainly about trying to build a future in higher education to get a profession. It was an amazing process during which I had to learn to rely on God more than ever. When President Reagan took office he changed the way state governments were to function. He privatized the whole system by incorporating each agency within state government. Suddenly we were not considered state employees, which had a major effect on us. Time: 48:57m
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