Prosecutors - Trudeau Facing Prison for Destroying mRNA Genocide Evidence
764 views • 1 week ago

The Canadian government has urgently withdrawn all Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines following a series of momentous scientific discoveries about the mRNA shots, and mainstream media has been ordered to cover up the magnitude of what is taking place before our eyes.

Trudeau and Health Canada have ordered tens of millions of Covid vaccines to be returned to the government and destroyed following the revelation that mRNA technology contains self-assembling nanobots.

As investigators scramble to preserve evidence of the crime against humanity in Canada, international prosecutors are warning that Trudeau and leading figures behind the vaccine roll out are facing decades behind bars.

Tags: mRNA, mRNA shots, Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, Covid vaccines, Covid, vaccines, depopulation, democide, Bill Gates, Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, Canada, nanobots, Canadian government, scientific discoveries, mainstream media, cover up, Health Canada, destroyed, mRNA technology, self-assembling nanobots, self-assembling, investigators, crime against humanity, international prosecutors, facing decades behind bars

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