12 views • 01/18/2022
PLEASE SEE MY WEBSITE AT: http://www.TonyLamb.org
These are the Last Days of the Bible, YES the Time of Sorrows IS HERE.
So what does Acts 2:17 have to do with the Last Days?
More than you ever know as the Holy Spirit is about to pour out His Spirit like Holy Fire from upon high. All flesh will be touched by this outpouring, but most will refuse it, deny it, even curse it. BUT IT WILL COME and to the Faithful, it will be a time of miracles as God will reveal himself as never before. See also Joel 2:28. If it's important God will give it to us twice or even three times as a confirmation. And many will come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ from this outpouring in the Last Days.

End of Days Watchman Tony Lamb with Dreams and Visions.
Thank you for your support and your prayers.
You are a blessing to me and Bobbie.

If you have been blessed by God and you are moved by the Holy Spirit to help me with this End of Days Ministry and the CD, 'THE WARNING' that is going out. I welcome your help, as I can not do all that the Lord has put in my heart to do, NOT without your help and your prayers. But if you are struggling to make ends meet and barely getting by, then PLEASE keep your money AS YOU NEED IT, but in that case, I will ONLY ask that you pray for this ministry and the WARNING that is going out. God Bless You.

The audio CD, 'THE WARNING,' we mailed out over 2000 copies in just the first 2 weeks of its
release. We sent copies to Christian Talk Radio stations in America, England, and Australia.
Thanks to YOU. And now we are mailing out copies of 'THE WARNING' to churches, pastors, private people, radio stations and businesses (ALL THANKS TO YOU).

I was given these dreams and visions by the Holy Spirit (for this time right now) and then the Holy Spirit commanded me to:

'WAKE UP AND TELL THE PEOPLE'. And that is what I have attempted to do ever since.

Now, I know I was called for this time now, right now as the clock is about to strike midnight to sound the last alarm, to give a last warning to the people that Jesus is coming and very, VERY soon.


my mailing address is: Tony Lamb, POB 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834

God has blessed me just by sending you to view this video.
I pray that YOU take this Warning to heart and if you are not saved I beg you to repent of sin, pray and invite Jesus into your heart as your Lord and savior.
God Bless you and God keep you and yours

*(If you would like a (FREE KJV Bible) and can not afford one contact me and I will send you a BIBLE FREE of charge.)

**(IF you would like a FREE audio CD titled (THE WARNING) the full version please write or email me and my email address can be found on my website. PLEASE ASK FOR THE FREE CD OFFER and include your name and full address). Thank You History is about to be made.

*** Also, IF you would like to DONATE ANY AMOUNT for your copy of the CD (THE WARNING) just click the paypal link here https://www.paypal.me/TonyLambOrg and in the comments section please include your name and full mailing address.

**** AND PLEASE call your local Christian Talk Radio station and ask them to play 'THE WARNING' by Tony Lamb and remind them IF they do not already have a copy, they can get a FREE copy at http://www.TonyLamb.org (AS THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS!)

I believe every word of the KJV Bible is the inspired word of Almighty God and I believe every single word, I leave nothing out and I add nothing to it.

I do this NOT for my glory but to glorify the one who sent me, Jesus Christ as HE is the only one who can save you, me or anyone from what is to come upon this sin-filled and vile world.

As I am not even worthy to touch the hem of His garment.

Thank You,
God Bless you and I will pray for you and your family
Watchman Tony Lamb
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