Epic speech from a romanian senator! 👏
227 views • 02/11/2023

This is the link to the original speech:

Was the earthquake in Turkey a precursor to WW3 as it was in1939?

This woman, her passion, the power in her words, just WOW! We need a million copies of her. Especially here in Holland where our Prime Minister Rutte is Schwab his obedient little dog. About the awards handed out to world leaders by the WEF, our Prime minister, with blood on his hands supporting the war in Ukrain as well as the death injections, the child "support" affair where children were taken away from their parents illegally, the MH17 set-up, the disowning of our farmers' land, here is no end to the suffering he caused us, and continues to do so and he received many awards for it. He even wrote the foreword of Schwab his Great Reset book!!

 Worldwide, we witness a massive kill of the people through war, lethal injections, geo-engineered disasters and fear! 

"It is imperative that all nations, the people of the world, rise up together, wake up from daily comfort and carelessness (!) Those who still believe in a world of God and not that of satan, revolt and fight in LEGITIMATE defense, for humanity itself is under attack".

It seems impossible with man, but with God, all is possible. Amen 🙏

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