PUTIN PEACE PROPOSAL - Conditions for the Start of Negotiations between the Russian Federation and Kiev
1701 views • 2 weeks ago

Already Rejected: Below at the very end of this text, are UKR and NATO's reply about Putin's Peace Plan!

BREAKING: Putin announces conditions for the start of negotiations between the Russian Federation and Kiev.

▪️Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions

▪️Ukraine must not join NATO

▪️Russia wants a neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of Ukraine

▪️All Western sanctions against the Russian Federation must be lifted

▪️The status of Crimea and Sevastopol, DPR and LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions as regions of the Russian Federation should be recorded in international treaties

⚡️If Kiev and the West refuse the new peace proposal, further conditions will be different, Putin said.

Adding Rybar's comments, below:

The Russian leader also outlined the detailed conditions for starting negotiations on the so-called Ukraine: the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian formations from the territories of Donbass and Novorossiya (including Kherson, Zaporizhia, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other cities), as well as the refusal to join NATO.

📌 It is important to understand that the Kyiv regime and its sponsors will not agree to such conditions now. For the first two years, they have been pumping the population with the thesis of the "1991 borders" and will continue to do so until their collapse, and the collective West is unlikely to believe that the so-called Ukraine has repaid the huge investments. 

Therefore, despite regular statements about negotiations, the matter does not go beyond words, and the "war to the last Ukrainian" continues on the battlefields. This has been going on since 2022, and there are no signs of a reversal so far.

As for the announcement of specific peace conditions, in case of a deterioration of the AFU's position, they can be expanded, extending them to other regions of the so-called Ukraine. In full accordance with the rhetoric of "we are negotiable, but you have missed your chance and cannot speak from the previous positions."

#Russia #Ukraine


Adding..:  Kiev has Rejected a new peace proposal from Russia.

Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the office of the Former President of Ukraine, asserted that Putin's new initiative for resolving the conflict allegedly does not contain a "genuine peace proposal."

NATO's reply:

Jens Stoltenberg said that he does not consider the Russian proposal for Ukraine to be peaceful and the alliance countries will continue to provide military support to Kiev.

The NATO Secretary General added that the condition named by Putin for the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from new regions of the Russian Federation for a ceasefire would be “the achievement of Russia’s military goals.”

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