15 Mins After Covid Vaccine, I Developed Lichenoid Dermatitis - Jeff Jackson
2787 views • 01/18/2022

Welcome to CVAR, a #Covid-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions podcast. Today, we talk to Jeff Jackson about his painful extreme Lichenoid Dermatitis rash that grew all over his body within 15-minutes after taking the Moderna Covid-19 mRNA injection. If you would like to donate to Jeff Jackson's fundraiser: https://click.pstmrk.it/2/spot.fund%2FAdverseReactionToVaccination/M1x1KyoN/aBUu/_sL0SBIPzG https://www.gofundme.com/f/diagnosed-with-lichenoid-dermatitis-from-the-covid You can follow Jeff's journey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigDaddyJaxx Read the results from the Israeli study that natural immunity to Covid is superior to vaccinated immunity: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1 See much of mainstream news is sponsored by Pfizer: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Kcarao3qrkLH/ For more information: https://merkabachakras.com/pages/cvar-podcast CVAR is #12 out of 30 top vaccine podcasts listened by a worldwide audience. https://blog.feedspot.com/vaccine_podcasts/ For more information about the #Defeat-the-Mandates-DC march on Jan. 23, 2022 at Washington DC, USA: https://defeatthemandatesdc.com/ VAERS lot# look-up tool: https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html ALL Covid-19 vaccine-injured in the USA need to file a claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which includes COVID-19 vaccines. If you have a family member who died in the hospital and was administered Remdesivir/ventilator as part of the Covid-19 protocol, you also can submit a claim. You have 1-year to submit your claim. You must include 1) 1-year of medical records PRIOR to your CV-19 vaccination date or Remdesivir-related death, AND 2) all your medical bills. If your claim is approved, it may cover: reimburse/payment of medical bills, lost employment income, assistance if you have no medical insurance, and payment to beneficiaries if vaccine-injury resulted in death. For more information about CICP, contact 1-855-266-2427 (CICP) or [email protected]. Submit your claim here: https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/filing-benefits https://injurycompensation.hrsa.gov/DICPSubmit/ https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/cicp-data If you're in the UK/England, please make a vaccine-injury claim here: https://www.gov.uk/vaccine-damage-payment If you, your family or friend needs assistance, you can go to the ICAN (Inform Consent Action Network) or America’s Frontline Doctors website for medical treatment advisory and legal consult: https://www.icandecide.org/report-a-vaccine-injury/ https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ Covid Injection DETOX Protocol Suggestions: https://healthfreedomdefense.org/covid-injection-detox-protocols/ #ModernaCovidVaccine, #CovidVaccineAdverseReactions, #JeffJackson

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