World Economic Forum - Corporate Communism - 8 predictions for the world in 2030 - Nov. 12 2016
14395 views • 10/31/2020
Say hello to oligarch corporate communism

1. You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.
2. The US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.
3. You won't die waiting for an organ. We won't transplant organs, we'll print new ones instead.
4. You'll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health.
5. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.
6. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.
7. You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out a way to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?
8. Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.


Politburo (Oligarchy)

Apparatchiks (Politicians)

Nomenclatura (Industry Leaders)

1. All products will have become services (you don't own anything)
2. There is a global price on carbon
3. US dominance is over. We have a handful of global powers
4. Farewell hospital, hello home-spital
5. We are eating much less meat
6. Today’s Syrian refugees, 2030’s CEOs
7. The values that built the West will have been tested to breaking point
8. By the 2030s, we'll be ready to move humans toward the Red Planet (Mars)
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