Why can the CCP establish 173 police stations in the US without the knowledge of the federal government?
12 views • 05/17/2023

5/16/2023 【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】Why can the CCP establish 173 police stations in the US without the knowledge of the federal government? Why is the US giving the CCP enormous sums of money and allowing it to infiltrate every sphere of American life, despite the fact that the CCP is the largest existential threat to America? This is genuinely baffling!

#CCPinfiltration #CCP #secretpolicestation #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

5/16/2023 【妮可做客The John Fredericks节目】中共为何能在美国开设173个警察站而联邦政府却对此一无所知?既然中共是美国最大的生存威胁,美国为何把天量的资金输送给中共并允许其渗透美国社会的方方面面?这太令人匪夷所思了!

#中共渗透 #中共 #秘密警察站 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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