Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 2, 2023 - Vandersteel and Yon at the BORDER, Trump indictments and BEATING SUPERBUGS
25251 views • 08/02/2023

0:00 Intro

1:55 Vandersteel and Yon at the BORDER

27:31 Other News

- Interview with Ann Vandersteel and Michael Yon at the Texas border

- Advanced thermal imaging equipment used to capture the INVASION by #illegals

- #Trump criminally indicted as yet another distracted from #Biden family corruption and crimes

- Trump's indictment is a "speech crime" that violates his First Amendment rights

- When democrats question elections, it's NEVER a crime

- CVS pharmacies to close 900 locations and fire 5,000 workers after KILLING their customers with jabs

- #Superbugs threaten to kill tens of millions of people each year, but only those who are ignorant of natural antibiotics

- Chlorine dioxide kills MRSA and other superbugs, but no doctor will recommend it

- The medical system is a MURDER system that deliberately withholds lifesaving treatments from people to KILL them

- Ivermectin is just one example; Chlorine Dioxide is another

- Mainstream doctors believe in "cancer magic" - cancer without cause, spontaneous disease

- #ScienceClowns - Top celebrity scientist now believes that a man can become a woman

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