Senator Rand Paul: It's Time for Us to Resist - Choose Freedom! (The HighWire Enhanced Version)
1632 views ā€¢ 08/28/2021
Choose Freedom! Simply practice peaceful civil disobedience and do NOT comply -- if enough people reject the policies, the policies will have to change/end.

To each his or her own; we must all support each individual's own choice to take or not take, wear or not wear, keep & bear or not keep & bear, whatever he or she chooses with his or her fully-informed consent, because that is how freedom works.

Do NOT support corrupt politicians or their sponsors.
The only power they have is that which you give.
When enough teachers, law enforcement officers, nurses etc. -- our fellow working-class peers -- refuse to comply, the politicians have no actual power.

School boards, teachers, police, medical professionals, churches etc. should all REJECT the anti-freedom agenda -- stop doing the politicians' dirty-work -- tell the politician to come enforce his policy without the help of the exploited masses -- just say "No!" and it ends.

Never comply with anti-freedom agenda (regardless of personal choice; unite to defend individual freedom of choices).
We should each fight to defend someone's else's freedom even if the other would use said freedom to make a different choice than would one make for him or herself.

Those who truly value Freedom hope to see the day when, regardless of what personal choice each may make (such as accept or decline a product or procedure), the masses unite together in defense of everyone's freedom.
To each his or her own; where there is risk, there must be choice -- my body, my choice for all.

Sen. Rand Paul: "It's Time for Us to Resist; They Can't Arrest All of Us..."
We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?
Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. Do not comply; choose Freedom.

(credit: Senator Rand Paul)
(video enhancements credit: The HighWire with Del Bigtree)
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