⚡️ Footage of the interrogation of one of the detainees in the Bryansk region, suspected of committing a terrorist attack in Crocus Hall
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⚡️ Footage of the interrogation of one of the detainees in the Bryansk region, suspected of committing a terrorist attack in Crocus Hall.

According to law enforcement officers, the native of Tajikistan , shaking in the frame, tried to hide from the fighters in a tree.


❗️The investigation's analysis of recordings from surveillance cameras in Crocus City Hall indicates the training and possible combat experience of terrorists, RBC sources say, some of the video recordings were not preserved due to the fire.
“They studied the movement pattern in advance and thought out escape routes,” says one of RBC’s sources. According to him, the terrorists left the Crocus City building, mingling with the crowd of visitors running out of the concert hall.


The weapons used by the terrorists were prepared in advance in a cache, the FSB reported.
After the terrorist attack, the criminals intended to cross the border of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and had relevant contacts on the Ukrainian side , the FSB said.

In fact, this is a direct indication of Ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack at Crocus.


The terrorist attack in Moscow was the work of Ukraine, and the United States knew about it, - ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson.


Special services officers work at the places of registration of alleged terrorists in the Ivanovka, Yaroslavl and Samara regions.

Task forces and dog handlers with dogs went to the residential addresses - according to the intelligence services, there may be explosives in their apartments.


⚡️In the Crocus City Hall concert hall, when emergency services were clearing the rubble, more bodies of the dead were found. Thus, the death toll currently stands at 115 people .

 (c) Investigative Committee

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