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Do NOT Let These Covid Quacks & Tyrants Rewrite History - Alex Newman on OAN
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Published 22 days ago

(May 10, 2024) Liberty Sentinel: The legions of Covid totalitarians and quacks responsible for barbaric government policies and deadly "medical" care are brazenly trying to rewrite history and deny or downplay the evil they unleashed on humanity from 2020 to 2023, explained journalist Alex Newman in this interview with Alison Steinberg on One America News.

Newman argued that humanity must never forget--and that REAL accountability is essential to protect mankind from the evildoers seeking to do it again. There are already laws on the books adequate for prosecuting many of those involved, including everyone who sought to deny the constitutionally protected rights of Americans under color of law.

One America News:

Liberty Sentinel:


censorshipcurrent eventspoliticspropagandagenocidegovernmenthistorymsmtyrannyandrew cuomochris cuomomisinformationalex newmanoancovidivermectinleana wenalison steinberg

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