COVID19 - Nurse challenges official narrative at a re-open rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, US
109 views • 05/01/2020
vanessa beeley

Covid19 conflicting narratives are designed to confuse and mislead you.

1. This is a nurse speaking at a "re-open" rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, US. As she informs us, she is "not an actor". She informs us that she remembers the real hardship when responding to a flu epidemic - now if you go to any hospital in Raleigh, you can be seen immediately, they are only at 60% capacity.

The medical floor designated for Covid patients is never full.

Like so many other medical experts, she advocates boosting your immune system to combat the dis-ease.

They are 100 surgeries behind on critical care patients because they are being delayed due to the alleged Covid19 crisis.

This is one grass-roots opinion but it is backed up by countless other epidemiologists, Immunologists, doctors and scientists.

Here is the link to the reports on the re-open rallies in NC.…/corona...

2. Two days after this nurse's speech was published on YouTube - guess what, mainstream media stepped in to the breach in the official narrative with a report from an alleged "Duke Raleigh nurse" ramping up the fear factor ref Covid19.

This is one comment on the report:

"I hope they realize that people are collecting all the stories out there that are using identical scripts and similar stories, and they're making hilarious compilations of them, to show that many, many reports are using Exactly the same script. All those phrases and snippets... in a world where people can watch whatever news they want, it's just a matter of time before they realize what's happening, how many news agencies are (for reasons unknown) pumping the Exact same words. Put some effort into paraphrasing, at least. It's like they're too lazy to even change it one word."

You have to ask yourself these questions. Why are the dissenting or challenging experts being censored? Why are they not being allowed to voice their opinions? Why are they silenced and only the official narrative is amplified? Where have you seen that before?

Let me know if you can answer all those questions without the slightest nagging doubt that you are being gaslighted and lied to....

Thanks to Eva Karene Bartlett for highlighting this video.
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