Trudeau government has shown ‘absolutely totalitarian behaviour’: Douglas Murray (MIRRORED)
472 views • 02/21/2022
Trudeau government has shown ‘absolutely totalitarian behaviour’: Douglas Murray (MIRRORED)
Mirrored from You Tube channel Sky News Australia at:-

Democracies around the world “don’t seem to be caring” about the “scandal” of the Trudeau government’s treatment of a “peaceful protest,” according to author Douglas Murray.

“I mean, the Prime Minister has used laws which are meant to be used in wartime and he’s used them against a peaceful protest,” Mr Murray said.

“He slandered the truckers; he slandered the supporters of the truckers … And now he’s moved to the next phase, not just sending in the police to very brutally end the protest in Ottawa.

“This is absolutely totalitarian behaviour that has been going on from the Trudeau government.”
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