Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich confirms his belief in the Greater Israel Project.
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Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich (surnamed after his ancestral town in Ukraine) confirms his belief in the Greater Israel Project.

An exclusively Jewish state "from the Nile to the Euphrates" is a far more radical l demand than a secular Palestine "from the River to the Sea".

This genocidal fundamentalist lunatic would unleash the biggest refugee flood since 1945, and he wants to give the Arab Muslim and Christian inhabitants of Palestine, Lebanon, and parts of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the 'choice' of flight abroad, death or abject submission in an apartheid state.

He's so extreme that the Board of Deputies of British Jews told him in 2022 that he's not welcome in Britain. Further proof that opposition to Zionism is NOT 'anti-Semitism - however much the Board and its partners like to play the 'Nazi' card against political opponents.

Source @Nick Griffin

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