China got away with 9-11, why not pull COVID? #UnBiden
80 views • 02/21/2022
Subscribe, Share, Comment, Vote. Links (Below): China is go to country for the cheapest spying for (Mostly USA) politicians to best rip off their own citizens.

So, no matter how many millions, or billions that Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, World Bankers, Corporate Organized Crime, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their minions like my father are indirectly responsible for mass murdering, there will be no Judges in courts waiting to prosecute. We need People’s Grand Juries and Jurors. The Missing Part of the 13th Amendment was ratified in Virginia so it means that it is in effect until revoked. It hasn't been revoked. So, every lawyer holding elected office needs to be removed ASAP. That included Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and about 2/3 of the US Senate and Congress critters.

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty #BlockadeChina #FreeVietnam #StopTheBS #SecularHumanism #GreatReset #GreenNewDeal #CriticalRaceTheory #StopCRT #DeplatformBiden #WakeUp #chrisskyarmy #justsayno #unitednoncompliance #UnBiden

The Screenshot at beginning is of a Warner Brothers Cartoon where Martin the Martian is going to Blow up Earth as Bugs Bunny looks on:
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