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Is 2024 When ‘It’ Happens?
* Most Americans need to own more gold, not less.
* The consequence of that is a higher price target.
* First things first: own the physical metal.
* It doesn’t take a lot; it just takes some gold to provide insurance.
* Don’t confuse its insurance function with investment and/or speculation.
Got Bullion?
* The distinction between Money vs. Currency matters.
* Fiat currencies are not money; they are credit instruments with counterparty risk (by design).
* It is past time to cleanse the money changers from the temple and end the usury process — but that’s just a start.
* The real Currency War is the one being waged on us.
* Inflation is a tax on we the people, so ask yourself: to whom is ‘government debt’ owed?
* In fiat currency regimes, the banksters borrow every $ into existence (from us) at interest.
* Eventual hyperinflation, collapse and reset are built-in features, not bugs. The inflection point is a matter of time.
* We must place our margin call. It’s payback time.
The full webcast is linked below.
GoldSilver | The Alarming Outcomes Of A Liquidity Squeeze - Rick Rule Joins Mike Maloney (12 December 2023)