He Ain't My King
132 views • 2 weeks ago


(A video about personal sovereignty)

He's not my King, he's not my King

Well i dunno about you but

Hanging out with pedophiles ain't my thing

It ain't my thing and he's not my King

He's not my King, he ain't my royal

I dunno about you but

Selling your own people down the river

Makes my blood boil, makes my blood boil

And he's not my royal

Well they say you judge a man

By the company he keeps

And have you ever seen a more unsavoury bunch

Of monsters perves and creeps

(stick 'em in a prison for keeps)

He's not my King, He ain't my King

Well i dunno about you but hmmm

Depopulation's not my thing, It's not my thing

(It's not his thing)

And he ain't my King

So you can sod off sausage fingers

You really are the slime

You can fool some people but you can't fool 'em all

And they got your number this time

Yeah sod off sausage fingers

You ain't no friend of mine

So take a long long walk off a short short pier

Cos you're not wanted here

And you can stick the coronation

Where the sun don't shine

Yeah sod off sausage fingers

And take you're climate scam

Cos you'll run out of luck and you'll find you're stuck

Up to your neck in some dodgy jam

Tell me sausage fingers

What you gonna do

When you meet your maker on judgement day?

Will Jimmy fix it for you?

For more on this subject read the thread at Defending Gibraltar:

Mirrored - trevorjohnsings

To survive what is coming, read/study:

The Gibraltar Messenger :

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