166) Claire Edwards, 5G, Viral Genocide and Life on Earth (video enhanced)
247 views • 06/11/2021
Credits to Rachael L. McIntosh @shadowcitizen: https://odysee.com/@shadowcitizen:d | ShadowCitizen: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/shadowcitizen1

Shadow Citizen with Rachael L McIntosh: Claire Edwards, 5G, Viral Genocide and Life on Earth Parts 1 and 2:
June 04, 2021 | https://www.shadowcitizen.online/index.php/2021/06/04/claire-edwards-5g-viral-genocide-and-life-on-earth/
June 10, 2021 | https://www.shadowcitizen.online/index.php/2021/06/10/claire-edwards-5g-viral-genocide-and-life-on-earth-part-2/

Claire Edwards, MA, is retired from the United Nations, where she edited official parliamentary documentation and publications for 18 years, which makes her a professional “fact-checker”. She confronted the UN Secretary-General over 5G in May 2018, the video of which went viral in January 2019. She co-wrote, edited, designed, and administered the translation of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space into 30 languages and has published many articles and done interviews and presentations on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and wireless technology, including the space aspect. Her document entitled “The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020” went viral as a video in October 2020 and was translated into Czech, French, German, Japanese, Polish and Slovenian. She has never been an "activist" before and is not keen on opposing things, but rather on protecting and promoting all life on earth.

My website is available at https://forlifeonearth.weebly.com/ for more information on my work.
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