⚡️"Stayin' Alive" - A Ukrainian Military Man Stole a Ukrainian Tank and Went Over to Join the Side of the Russian Armed Forces
111 views • 3 months ago

⚡️" A new life begins." A Ukrainian military man stole a Ukrainian tank and went over to the side of the Russian Armed Forces

The Ukrainian military man made the right decision: he stole a Ukrainian Armed Forces tank and went over to the side of the Russian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction. The Ukrainian came to an agreement with our fighters and, approaching the Russian positions, raised the tank’s barrel high up to identify himself.

another description: 🚨‼️ WOW: A Ukranian soldier ran in a tank to the Russian side!

Maxim stole the Ukranian T-64 tank because he thought it would be safer to get to the Russian positions, where he was expected in advance by prior agreement.

No one shot in his back, since for the Ukrainian officers in the forward positions, everything looked like an ordinary tank combat exit. 

‼️ He will be giving interviews shortly:

- about who Maxim met in Poland

- why every brigade of the Ukraine army where he appeared suffered losses

- what he will do in the Russian army

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