The last fire of deception and the preparation of the Bride
599 views • 01/19/2022
Prophetic word/ poetry, given on January 18th 2022 at 22:22hrs
This word stretch out a wide area into a future that is not so important to know yet.
The next plot is already in the pipeline and after this current deception a bigger one will come
As fire refines gold, so the bride will be prepared to meet the Lord

Scripture for this prophecy:
Matthew 18:6/ Mark 9:42/ Luke 17:2
Revelation 18:21-22
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Revelation 13:1
Matthew 24:7/ Mark 13:8/ Luke 21:11
Revelation 14:9-11
Job 26:7
1 Chronicles 16:30/ Psalm 96:10/ 104:5
Psalm 18:7
Philippians 2:10
Matthew 27:64
Luke 21:8/ James 1:16
1 Timothy 6:10
Esther 6-...
John 14:2-3

The transcript to read along is available on my website:

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