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Flu shot, made in chicken eggs, bird flu you said?
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The Real Dr Judy
125 Subscribers
Published 15 days ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

"Just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! It is and always was infection by injection. Just going back to bird flu, come on folks. How dumb really are we? Where did we make all our flu vaccines until the universal synthetic vaccine that unwittingly President Trump was conned into signing into law by Fauci and company in September of 2021.

Before our book, Plague of Corruption came out, and of course the movie, which had already been written. So folks, just to be clear, every flu shot before 2019 was made in what? Chicken eggs! So do you think you're gonna get a bird Coronavirus, a flu virus? Check back to my friend Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and see that they use specific pathogen free eggs. Oh, which specific pathogens don't they look for? Oh: Corona viruses from birds!"

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/15/2024

Full Thrivetime Show episode with Clay Clark:

healthnewsfluvaccinetruthbird flumikovits

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