Important WARNING: Do NOT Use Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Before or After Vaccinations
2089 views ā€¢ 06/07/2021
Acetaminophen use after vaccination was significantly associated with autistic disorder (REFERENCE study may be found linked below):

Don't give yourself or your kids/loved ones any drugs (even common OTC drugs such as Tylenol / Acetaminophen, which is very harmful, for instance) until you have thoroughly researched the compounds and are able to make a true fully informed choice. Doctors are just people like you and I (many were my classmates in college and not very impressive to say the least); they are usually just following orders (those orders are greatly influenced by Big-Pharma) and do NOT know everything.

It is up to YOU to know what you are doing; YOU call the shots! and, remember medical professionals work for you (think which way the money is flowing -- you are paying them for a service) so you are in charge NOT the other way around.

Or don't be responsible and you and/or your loved one may suffer the consequences -- you are free -- it is your choice.

If you inject a neurotoxin (such as found in some commonly PUSHED pharma-products), and then deplete your glutathione with acetaminophen, you will maximize the damage of the neurotoxin.

For example (and I bet many of you have doctors that did NOT tell you about the published study that found: "Acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was significantly associated with autistic disorder."'
ā€¢ REFERENCE study may be found linked below:

(credit: Dr. John Bergman)
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